Welcome! My name is Uwe Karstädt.

I am a naturopath, nutritionist and health coach.

What I can do for youWhat you can do for you

Health is easy.

I experience it on my patients every day: Health means being in harmony with your entire organism and the world around you. You are optimally equipped for a healthy life. Give yourself the chance:

Health is the most natural thing in the world.

My knowledge gifts for you …

Healing Practice

Naturally Healthy


Buch von Uwe Karstädt: Elektrosmog und Glyphosat

Elektrosmog und Glyphosat

Natürlich werden Sie gesund Kopp

Natürlich werden Sie gesund

98,6 F Buchtitel

98,6° F: Ideal Body Temperature

Entgiften statt vergiften Kopp

entgiften statt vergiften

Die Säure des Lebens Kopp

Die Säure des Lebens



Interview on the book 37 degrees with Uwe Karstädt


ELECTROSMOG! What is it?
How do I deal with it?


Health is easy!
What do you do before it’s too late?


Nitric oxide stimulation

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